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Pland a New Zealand native tree with the charity Trees That Count.

Plant A Native Tree

Trees That Count

Regular price $10.00 Sale

and help to make a really big difference.

Just $10 will fund the planting of a native tree and you can be sure it will result in a tree in the ground, in planting projects across the country. More native trees in the ground means greater biodiversity, cleaner waterways, thriving industries and stronger communities and also means more homes for our native birds, spaces for our kids to play and a more beautiful New Zealand. Every tree counts, so whether you can fund 1 tree or 100 trees it all makes a difference.

The native trees that you fund will be matched to a planting project by Trees That Count which is managed by Project Crimson, a registered charitable trust. We'll pass through 100% of your donation to Trees That Count and you can find out how many trees we have funded so far and where these trees have been planted here.

You can also fund the planting of a native tree by purchasing the card game Tree Snap here.

Below are some common examples* of the number of native trees you would need to plant to mitigate your CO2 emissions from today over the next 50 years.

2 trees - A return flight from Christchurch to Auckland
9 trees - Use of medium-sized car, 10,000 km
3 trees - Household electricity use for 1 year (8,000 kWh)
32 trees - Average household (2 adults & 2 children) emissions per year

Calculate how many planted native trees will mitigate your carbon emissions from other activities here.

*Emissions from common activities have been calculated using Toitū Envirocare carbon footprint calculators which you will find here.