Our Logo

We worked closely with our logo designers Paradigm Associates to come up with a logo that we love and which is a representation of who we are and all that we hope to achieve.
Infinity symbol
The infinity symbol represents the sustainability kaupapa (principle) and the need for a circular economy where products and packaging are not used once and disposed of but stay in the economy to be reused, repurposed or recycled. It is a representation of what we all have to address in our daily lives - what can we do to live and work in a way that guarantees a future, not for a couple of generations, but forever.
The hearts represent the love we have for our planet, for each other and for future generations. They serve as a reminder of why we do what we do, because we have a beautiful planet that we love and we want to preserve that beauty to be enjoyed by many generations to come. The hearts also represent heart shaped kawakawa leaves. Kawakawa is one of the most important herbs in traditional herbal Māori medicine, used to treat cuts, wounds, and various pains. It is one of the most valuable plants we have in New Zealand in terms of medicinal properties and in our logo it represents the healing and repair that our environment needs to return to the pristine beauty that it once was.