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Plastic Free July - Tips, Tricks, Tools & Advice

Plastic Free July badge for the 2023 campaign. Shows the year 2023 with a geometric turtle shape in place of the 0. Circular text around the badge reads "Join the challenge" and "plasticfreejuly.org".

Not sure where to start?

If you're not sure where to start, you can take Plastic Free July's Pesky Plastics Quiz to get an idea of where you stand.
Plastic Free July Getting Started Checklist

Getting Started

Man holding single-use plastic bottle.

It's as easy as this!

Plastic Free Request Letters

Plastic Free Request Letters

If you have started your plastic-free journey you will know that it's not easy! Plastic is everywhere and we are constantly faced with it, regardle...
Plastic Free July Calendar

Plastic Free July Calendar

We are compiling all the tips, tricks, hints and tools that you need to plan and navigate your plastic-free journey this July, starting with a cale...